What are V Codes in Medical Billing?

In the complex world of medical billing and coding, every code depicts a specific procedure or service delivered to the patient. Among these, V codes have their own key role and are assigned when the patient’s health does not fall under any medical condition. 

A recent study about the role of  V-codes also reveals that it occupies 20% of outpatient consultations, with patient visits involving preventive care, counseling sessions, and other non-disease factors. Hence, these sessions with healthcare practitioners signify the importance of V codes in medical health billing.

This blog acts as a guideline for healthcare providers, highlighting the various roles of V codes in medical billing and coding. Common examples, uses, and primary and additional roles of V codes are also discussed in detail. 

Also Read: Modifiers in Medical Billing and Coding

What does V-Code stand for?

V-codes are also referred to as the Supplementary Classification of Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services. They are the alphanumeric codes used to describe the health condition of the patient that is not a disease or injury but needs medical attention. These codes are part of the International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). They are now included in the ICD-10-CM coding system.

What are the most common examples of V Codes?

Below is a table providing common scenarios covered by V codes. This includes routine checking, preventive care, counseling sessions etc. 

V CodeDescription
V70.0Routine general medical examination at a health care facility
V76.12Routine screening mammogram
V58.69Long-term (current) use of other medications
V72.31Routine gynecological examination
V72.6Examination for participation in sport
V25.09Encounter for contraceptive management, other contraceptive counseling
V68.01Encounter for newborn circumcision
V65.40Counseling and advice on contraceptive management
V58.69Long-term (current) use of other medications
V20.2Routine infant or child health check

Can V Codes be used as a Primary Code or as an Additional Code?

V codes can act both as primitive codes and supplementary codes in medical billing. It depends on the nature of the patient visit and the motive of the coding.

Primary CodesAdditional Codes
Sometimes, V codes act as a primary diagnosis code if the main reason for the patient’s visit or the patient’s focus during the encounter is related to the non-disease factor or the patient’s health status. Healthcare providers, sometimes, utilize V codes as supplementary codes to provide additional information of the patient’s health condition. These codes support the encounter between the patient and healthcare provider. This helps the providers to provide a more comprehensive description of the condition.
ExampleWhen a patient comes to the clinic for routine medical examination (V70.0) or counseling for smoking cessation (V65.42), the primary diagnosis code is the V code assigned to reflect the major purposes of the visit.ExampleA patient with hypertension (I10) is also counseling for dietary management (V65.3). This includes both codes to represent the patient’s conditions and the treatment applied.

Uses of V Codes in Medical Billing

V Codes have several essential roles in the healthcare industry. Below are some common uses:

Preventive Services Documentation

V codes play an essential role in the documentation of preventive healthcare services. This includes routine check-ups, screenings, immunizations, and counseling services aimed at preventing illnesses or detecting them early. 


V20.2 is used to represent a routine visit for an infant or child’s health, such as a follow-up. The doctor keenly observes the child’s growth and development. He vaccinates as well as guides the parents on how to raise a child.

Pregnancy and Maternal Health Management

One of the most important functions of V codes is to electronically document and record information about maternal health and pregnancy. These codes are also employed to track prenatal visits, pregnancy complications, routine obstetric care, and postpartum care.


V22.2 is used for routine checkup of the first pregnancy of a woman. Monitoring is routinely done and support to an expectant mother during her first pregnancy is being offered.

Health Services Utilization Tracking

Medical Coders assign V codes when any surgery, disease, or medical procedure influences the patient’s current health condition. However, it ensures how and why healthcare services are used by patients. 


V codes inform encounters, including routine examinations (V70.0), consultations, and follow-up visits. 

Disease History 

Medical coders utilize V codes to describe a patient’s medical history. These codes are assigned when any surgery, disease, or medical procedure influences the current illness or treatment. Furthermore, doing proper medical history documentation using V codes helps healthcare professionals fully understand the patient’s health background and make good clinical decisions.


V12.01 shows that the patient has a history of tuberculosis (TB) but is not currently infected. 

Counseling and Health Education

Healthcare providers actively issue V codes to document counseling sessions and health educational services provided to patients. Moreover, these areas encompass various aspects, including contraceptive management, smoking cessation counseling, weight management counseling, and nutrition counseling.


V65.42 is used for patients who are struggling with smoking habits and are taking assistance in quitting the use of tobacco.

Are V Codes now Z Codes?

Yes, V codes have been replaced by Z codes in the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) coding system. The translation from V codes into Z codes happened when ICD-10-CM replaced ICD-9-CM coding. 

Z-codes and V-codes imply a solution to the same issue. For one thing, they emphasize communication channels as well as any other factors not linked to disease and stress. They serve not only in emergency operations but in basic health services too. Among these are prevention sardines, health check-ups, consultations, and care programs to guarantee a quality life.


To conclude, V codes in medical billing is a vital tool in assigning reports and classifying clinical encounters where traditional diagnoses are hardly applicable. Knowing or using the codes correctly are the most important factors in getting records updated and reimbursed accurately. Healthcare practitioners need to continuously review the latest coding guidelines for accurate utilization of the V codes within the workflow.

With the aim of facilitating the billing and expert coding function, healthcare facilities should outsource billing processes and coding support to reliable companies like Medheave Medical Billing Company. Furthermore, Medheave can guide you through the process while you are focusing on your central need which is providing your patients with the best and reliable care available. Sign up today for error-free billing services.

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